• Posted on 30 September 2009
  • By The Editor

Co-Chair, OC Global Warming Committee

The Orange County Global Warming Committee (OCGWC) has been in existence for just over one year and we have made considerable progress.

We are actually a subcommittee of the Angeles Chapter Global Warming, Energy & Air Quality Committee described at left. The OCGWC is divided into a North Central Section (for that portion of Orange County) and a South Section. The division corresponds to the division in Orange County between the Orange County Group and the Sierra Sage Group. Chuck Buck is Co-chair of the North/Central Section and Paul Carlton is Co-chair of the South section. We have a total of about 60 members.

Member Bob Hansen established and maintains our website at http://angeles.sierraclub.org/ocglobalwarming. Our current main project is called Juicing Orange County (JOC). (For more information on JOC, see Chuck Buck's article on page 7.)

Our long term goal is to convince conservative-trending Orange County that global warming in real and backed up by solid scientific analysis.

A second goal is to hold a series of public meetings on the various aspects of global warming. When our members are capable, we will have them do some of the speaking; two are already so qualified and have spoken to several different audiences.

Based on our City Activist program for the JOC in which we now have only small cadres, we will work to expand the number of members in each city to the point where we have a large cadre which can influence city officials and the local citizens to engage in a widespread campaign to speak out and carry out the necessary measures on global warming and its dangers.

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