• Posted on 30 September 2009
  • By Mary Morales

Throughout the year, thousands of you venture out on day hikes to wonderful local areas or vacation on a club-sponsored trip to some pretty amazing place across the country and around the world.

From the minute you step out on the trail or board a bus, plane, train or ship, you are in the capable hands of competent, thoroughly trained Angeles Chapter Sierra Club leaders. Their main objectives are to show you the wild places of this planet and make sure that as you explore and enjoy yourselves, you also learn about protecting our natural resources.

To recognize 2009's outstanding outings program, the Chapter Outings Management Committee is celebrating with a fun-filled get-together on November 7, 2009, 1:00 to 5:00 pm in Culver City and everyone is cordially invited to attend!

(Space is limited so put the date on your calendar today. See R.S.V.P. information at the end of this article. Reservations are a must.)

Formally known as the Outings Assembly, this yearly gathering brings together entity chairs and outings chairs, leaders and provisional leaders to meet and network with each other and to elect a new Outings Management Committee for the coming year.

Outings chairs and leaders are encouraged to bring their concerns to the table and to give feedback to the OMC about training guidelines, new outings ideas, what's working in their respective entities, and anything else that's on their minds. Sierra Club members are also invited to attend. After all, the Chapter outings program was designed for you.

This will be one fabulous party you don't want to miss. Bring an appetizer or a side salad, the OMC is providing dinner fare and drinks. You've heard that many a carcamp, travel adventure and Harwood Lodge weekend is defined by great happy hours. The tradition continues this November 7th!

To reserve, get details and directions, contact George Denny by email or phone at , 310-838-2354.

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