Political Committee in High Gear

  • Posted on 31 March 2006
  • By Emil Lawton

The Angeles Chapter Political Committee under the direction of Chair Susana Reyes has been hard at work. Teams have been preparing questionnaires, interviewing candidates, and presenting information to the Political Committee and the Executive Committee.

Why now? The general election is in November and the primary in June is just months away. In the California electoral system, vicious gerrymandering has made each Assembly and Senate district safe for one party, so that the primary is the real election.

Another factor is term limits. Short terms mean a plethora of open seats.

Another difficulty we face is a loose caucus called the Moderate Democrats, formerly called the Business Democrats. The Moderate Democrats have effectively killed scores of environmental bills by abstaining on key committee votes or on the floor. Together with the Republicans, they have maintained an anti-environment majority. While the Sierra Club strives to be non-partisan, the unfortunate truth is that in much of the country, Republicans with a pro-environmental bent are few and hard to find. Fortunately, many Republicans from the eastern states have retained the environmental ideals of Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot.

Why do we not hear more about the results of all this work? One difficulty the Club faces is that all official political communications must be paid for using non-tax-deductible contributions. The Southern Sierran is usually paid for using educational funds, which are tax deductible. The funding rules are very strict and we obey them by publishing specific political positions only when the paper is paid for with political funds.

The Southern Sierran does come out with political issues before elections, and will likely do so before the June primary.

Most group newsletters are funded by member dues, which means they can print the endorsements of specific political candidates and campaigns. Groups should take this opportunity to communicate to our members the value of our endorsements and the importance of their votes.

Starting in late April, more information about the Chapter's political campaigns can be found online. The site will be updated regularly as endorsements are approved.

The Political Committee is always in need of more volunteers. Good judgment and a feel for the political process are necessary for participation. The committee meets the second Monday of each month at 7:30pm at the Chapter Headquarters. Contact Susana Reyes for more information.

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