Bill Lockyer hikes with Club members

  • Posted on 31 July 2005
  • By Garen Yegparian

Bill Lockyer joined members of the Verdugo Hills group on a hike from the Nature Center to a local peak, where he and the other hikers shared food at picnic tables.
photo courtesy Garen Yegparian

California Attorney General Bill Lockyer joined more than 40 Sierra Club members on a hike from the Stough Canyon Nature Center, garnering media attention from the LA Daily News and the Burbank Leader among others.

Locker joined the Verdugo Hills Group hike from the Nature Center to a local peak, where he and the other hikers shared food and drinks at picnic tables.

Among the issues Lockyer discussed: how to deal with genetically modified pollen infecting normal plants; education; what the job of Attorney General entails; and Lockyer's upcoming run for State Treasurer. Lockyer specifically asked about local, development-threatened land. The peak also provided a great view of Canyon Hills to the north and the opportunity to discuss the threats it faces.

The weather was perfect for this 2.5-mile roundtrip hike. The views were great and new people asked to be put on the mailing list for future government official hikes. The hike leader even received calls later from people who saw the media coverage and wanted to participate.

These hikes, now in their fourth year, have appeared in Sierra Club national's Group and Chapter Outings Committee's newsletter. Just use John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt on half-dome as your inspiration and organize these hikes in your home area as a civic service provided by the Sierra Club.

Take action!

Scheduling outings with political leaders for your group or section is easy: choose a person, choose a location, make the contact, and publicize, publicize, publicize!

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