News Blog

Welcome to the Southern Sierran, published by the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

Want to learn about an environmental issue?  Select an issue from the below list and start learning.

News Archive
February 17, 2017 By From Sierra Club national reports

February 13, 2017 By Meg Gunderson

February 13, 2017 By Kathryn Phillips

February 3, 2017 By Communications Committee

Environmental activism takes many forms.  Some join public demonstrations and marches, others testify and comment before government bodies, and some apply their creative talents to produce works of art that speak to our concern for the future of our planet.  Why not explore the ECO-ART exhibit at Golden West College this weekend or next (EXHIBIT IS OPEN NOW THROUGH 2/15)

February 3, 2017 By Communications Committee

February 1, 2017 By Central Group Re-Org Committee

January 30, 2017 By Chapter news

January 30, 2017 By Maddy Crawford

December 22, 2016 By Julie Szende, San Fernando Valley Group

December 22, 2016 By From Chapter reports

December 21, 2016 By From Chapter reports

December 19, 2016 By Michael Bryant

December 19, 2016 By From Chapter reports

December 19, 2016 By Sharon Koch, Chapter Chair

There's no better time to volunteer than right now. Angeles Chapter is launching a new series called Cultivating Conservation. Strengthen your skills. 
Upcoming sessions (RSVP here):
      *10am- 1pm Engaging New Volunteer Workshop
      Presentation by Whitney Pearson Sierra Club  Associate Organizing Representative. 
      3250 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1507 Los Angeles, CA 90010
Who should sign up? Everyone -- newcomers who've never taken action on a cause or issue and experienced volunteers who want to be more effective and make a bigger difference in the environmental community.


December 19, 2016 By From Chapter reports

December 8, 2016 By Michael Brune, Executive Director Sierra Club

November 28, 2016 By Michael Brune and Sharon Koch

November 27, 2016 By From Chapter reports

November 19, 2016 By George Watland, Sr. Chapter Director

October 31, 2016 By From Chapter reports

September 19, 2017 By Chapter Elections Committee

To get your ballot contact George Watland, Sr. Chapter Director

September 29, 2016 By From Chapter reports

September 29, 2016 By From Chapter reports

September 29, 2016 By From Chapter reports

September 15, 2016 By Angeles Chapter Solar Homes Program

September 6, 2016 By Awards Committee

September 1, 2016 By From Chapter reports

September 1, 2016 By From Sierra Club reports

September 1, 2016 By From Angeles Chapter Water Committee

August 27, 2016 By George Watland, Sr. Chapter Director

August 12, 2016 By Marielle Grenade-Willis
