Free legal toolbox workshop for environmental activists: Oil production, distribution and fracking

  • Posted on 24 February 2015
  • By Dean Wallraff

Environmental Law Series
A Legal Toolbox for Environmental Activists
Workshop VIII: Oil Production, Distribution and Fracking

Join us for a day of training for activists who want to learn how to use the law to attain their environmental goals. The daylong workshop is free and will focus on oil production, distribution and fracking. Learn the ins and outs of the law with individual lawyers and panels.

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 21, 2015

Loyola Law School, Hall of the 70s, 919 Albany St., Los Angeles


Oil Production and Fracking with Darryl Burns, BA, MAEP, ARB, Retired

California State Law and Regularion of Oil Production and Fracking with Jamie Friedland, Esq., NRDC

Local Anti-Fracking Ordinances with Dean Wallraff, Esq., Advocates for the Environment

Lessons from the Keystone XL Pipeline with Thomas D. Mauriello, Esq., Mauriello Law Firm

The Oil Pollution Act with Stefan Blasig, Esq.

Oil by Rail with Elizabeth Forsyth, Esq., Earthjustice

Finding the Law, a Legal Research Primer for Activists with Sarah Spinuzzi, Loyola Law School, Environmental Law Society

Oil Law Panel

Parking in school garage is available for $3.
There is no charge to attend, but reservations are recommended.
Free lunch will be served.

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