George Denny

  • Posted on 31 October 2010
  • By The Editor
George Denny

I joined the Sierra Club in 1982 to help preserve our natural resources. As I learned more about the club's efforts, I knew I could do more. So, I became more active, participating in many outings, graduating from BMTC in 1986. I become an 'I' rated outing's leader in 1991. I've led and co-led trips and hikes for HPS, DPS, OCSS, and Sierra Singles. I'm currently active with the Backpacking Committee, Wilderness Travel Course, and Wilderness Adventures Section. I've been elected to several of their management committees and have received an 'Outstanding Leader' award. I also serve on the Chapter's Outings Management Committee.

I was elected to the Executive Committee for the first time in 2002 and again in 2004. During that time, I served as treasurer and member of the Finance Committee. I implemented a new accounting system that provided the ExComm with accurate and timely financial reports. I then became a member of the Chapter staff until I retired in 2007. During that period, I was responsible for all the day to day operations at the Chapter. That included managing the other paid staff, and all the office volunteers (Bless their hearts).

I've made a career in manufacturing management, in both aerospace and commercial aircraft companies. I have a BS degree in Management Science and I'm a Certified Hazardous Waste Manager. I'm a current member of the Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Federation, and the National Wildlife Federation.

Please re-elect me to the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee so I can continue to use my experience to help preserve our natural environment for you, your children and grandchildren, and mine, Jayne and Julia. Feel free to contact me by email or at 310/838-2354. Endorsed by Virgil Shields, former Angeles Chapter Chair: 'I know George to be a capable leader, a hard worker for the Chapter, and a dependable member of the ExComm. You'd do well to elect him again.'

Endorsed by Mary Ann Webster, Santa Monica Mtns Task Force Chair: 'Through the years, George has served in many important positions in the Angeles Chapter, with hard work, dedication and perseverance. We need his experience and leadership skills on the ExComm. He has my vote.'

Endorsed by Tina Bowman, Chapter LTC Chair: 'I'm delighted to endorse George Denny for the ExComm. He has the experience, insight, and balance to serve the Chapter well.'

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