Volunteer Corner

  • Posted on 31 August 2010
  • By The Editor

Good With Words? Numbers? OC Group Seeks Treasurer & Publicity Person

Are you fascinated with figures? Do you have a nose for news? If so, the Orange County Group needs you! We are presently seeking a volunteer to serve as Orange County Group Treasurer, and another volunteeer who would assist the Group with publicity matters. Serving the Club in one of these positions is a great opportunity to utilize your skills and talents while helping us 'explore, protect, and enjoy' our environment. Interested individuals should contact Group Chairperson Patti Barnes.

Treasurer Needed

The Harwood Lodge Committee is looking for a capable Angeles Chapter member to take over the treasurer's position. David Sheehan, esteemed Lodge Committee treasurer for the past 25 years is retiring at the end of 2010. Entity treasurers are given Chapter-sponsored training at least once a year and are fully supported in their job by the Angeles Chapter Finance Committee. If you are interested and want additional information, please contact Lodge Committee Chair, Russ Hansen at or 909-861-3679.

Chapter Headquarters Volunteers Needed:

Want to enjoy a fun work atmosphere? Do you enjoy meeting new people? We need reception area coverage Monday 10am to 2pm and Tueday and Wednesday 2pm-5pm. If you're looking to combine your light office skills with helping the environment, this is the volunteer opportunity for you. Call Jane MacFarlane at 213-387-4287, ext. 205 about these and other opportunities as they arise.

Lead Little Hikers & Junior Explorers outings.

Visit the little hikers Website.

Are you a Sierra Club leader with a desire to show kids and their parents the beauty of the great outdoors? Do you enjoy going at a slower pace and checking out plants and rocks? We need you for Little Hikers and Junior Explorers. We'd love to sponsor your outings! Please send an email to Silvia Darie and the website for more information.

Volunteers Needed

Most urgent need is for individuals skilled in carpentry, roofing and window repair for Keller Peak Ski Hut project in San Bernardino Mountains. Also need webmaster to update and maintain website. Please contact Fran Penn at (714) 747-1019 or Jacqueline Meese at 714-427-0457 for details.

Love Politics? Interested in helping our endorsed candidates get elected? How about lobbying our elected officials?

The Angeles Chapter's Political Committee needs you! Whether you live in Los Angeles or Orange County, you can join the Political Committee and make a difference for the environment. Send an email.

Join the Zero Waste Committee

Humankind's current interaction with the environment cannot be sustained. Promote zero waste. Contact Hillary Gordon. Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of every month, 7 p.m., Chapter Headquarters.

Diversity Task Force Needs Volunteers

Volunteers wanted for Diversity Task Force. If you have knowledge, background or interest in diversity issues and would like to participate in the Chapter's ongoing diversity outreach, we'd like to hear from you! We want and need to enhance our membership to better reflect the Los Angeles/Orange County community at large. There's a whole wide diverse world out there interested in the same conservation and environmental issues that we care about, and we want to tap into it! So if you're interested in helping with this important outreach work, we welcome your insight and enthusiasm! Please contact Melody Anderson for further details.

Join the Centennial Committee

Help us plan Angeles Chapter's 100th birthday yearlong celebration/party/bash! We're inviting every Angeles Chapter member to participate. Help brainstorm and plan activities to help us celebrate all year long. Some ideas taking shape: re-enactments/ retracing of old hikes, new hikes, recognition events and a whole lot more! But we want to hear from you, too. If you have a flair for party planning, are a creative thinker, or just want to be a part of the fun-join this committee. Young or old, new member or longtime activist, all are welcome; all are encouraged to join in! Happy 100th, Angeles Chapter, let the planning begin! To join the committee or for further information, please contact Bob Cates.

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