Join the Centennial Committee

  • Posted on 30 June 2010
  • By The Editor

Join the Centennial Committee and help us plan Angeles Chapter's 100th birthday yearlong celebration/party/bash!

Fun! Exciting! Good times! Volunteers from all across the Angeles Chapter are invited to participate in planning the activities associated with this year-long celebration. Special events, re-enactments/retracing of old hikes, new hikes, recognition events and a whole lot more are just a few ideas starting to take shape. All ideas welcome! There will be a special Centennial logo and keepsakes. So, if you have a flair for party planning, are a creative thinker, or just want to be a part of the fun-join the committee. Young or old, new member or long-time activist, all are welcome; all are encouraged to join in! Happy 100 Angeles Chapter, let the planning begin! To join the committee or for further information, please contact Bob Cates.

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