• Posted on 28 February 2010
  • By Deni Friese
Marine Biologist Deni Friese on February's 'Should You Order the Salmon?' by Bill Collins

We have done much more for land animals whose numbers are low. Why is it that no one is calling for a moratorium on eating seafood?

I just read your Opinion article titled 'Should You Order the Salmon?' in the February Southern Sierran. My answer is definitely NO! And I would encourage others to stop ordering Salmon and other marine life. No person will die if they don't eat salmon and other endangered marine life, but if we don't stop eating them at such an alarming rate we are pushing many species to the brink of extinction. For environmental reasons I have stopped eating any marine life and buying seafood pet food.

We have done much more for land animals whose numbers are low. Why is it that no one is calling for a moratorium on eating seafood?

As you state in the article, the salmon populations have 'crashed by 80-90%', and the same is true for many other fish, plus shrimp, lobster, scallops, clams, abalone, and other species. Much of the reduction in population is due to us eating them. As a scuba diver, I have personally seen drastic reductions in population of abalone, scallops and lobster right here off of our own coast.

I'm glad Bill Collins talked about the cancer-causing chemicals, antibiotics, parasites, red dye and other toxins that are found in the farmed fish. Since most places don't even know how or where the fish were raised I choose not to put these things in my body.

Also, you talk about how the farms are unsustainable, create toxic problems in the surrounding area and ocean, and have to be transported from far away. All things that we, as environmentalists, are trying to prevent.

When it was discovered that Omega 3 oils were so good for us and fish had a high amount seafood consumption went way up. Well, guess what? Omega oils can be found in many other foods that can be grown organically and sustainably and not cause any wild animals to go extinct (we hope). Supplements can be found in any health store that have higher concentrations and recommended combinations and amounts of all of the beneficial Omega oils.

If everyone would cut back or stop their seafood consumption we might be able to save these wonderful fellow creatures. Maybe one day there will be enough of them in the wild to sustainably catch them or there will be enough healthy farms growing them. Until then,

I hope that everyone will please think before they order seafood. Environmentalist Deni Friese has been a Sierra Club member since the 1970s.

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