Employee Award Nominations Due March 12

  • Posted on 28 February 2010
  • By The Editor

Each year, the Sierra Club recognizes employees throughout the Club: headquarters, regional field offices, chapter and group employees and all other locations where Club employees work, for their outstanding accomplishments and achievements. Employees of the Sierra Club Foundation are also eligible for award nominations.

Award winners will be recognized at a celebration event to be held at the Sierra Club Headquarters on Thursday April 29, 2010. Both staff and volunteers are encouraged to submit nominations of staff that would meet the below award criteria. If you are a Chapter office manager, chair, or newsletter editor, please share the nomination web page address. We will be accepting nominations through March 12, 2010 and you can place your nominations online.


Behind the Scenes Hero Award

This award is given to salute an employee whose tremendous efforts, skills and talents have repeatedly and consistently supported and enabled others to advance the Club's mission in a significant way, or to accomplish a large and important project. This employee is an invaluable behindthe- scenes contributor who can be consistently relied upon by others for his or her highest service standards. The employee must have at least 3 years of service with the Club.

Larry Mehlhaff Award for Excellence

The recipient(s) has a distinguished and consistent record of many achievements in developing new ideas and strategies, implementing systems, programs and/ or services through collaborations or team efforts that have resulted in substantial improvements, efficiencies and/ or savings to services and operations Club-wide. The employee must have at least three years of service with the Club.

Mike McCloskey Award

This award is bestowed upon an employee with at least three years of service, whose work has reflected and strengthened the meaning, purpose, and mission of the Sierra Club, and who has contributed to the prestige of the Sierra Club in the world community. The Mike McCloskey award honors a distinguished record of achievement in national or international conservation causes.

Virginia Ferguson Award

This award honors an employee, with at least three years of service, who has demonstrated consistent and exemplary service to the Sierra Club. Commitment to the organization is demonstrated not only through competence, but also in the congenial attitude, extraordinary spirit, and unquestionable integrity that makes this recipient's performance an inspiration to the rest of the staff.

Special Achievement Award

This award is given to acknowledgean employee's special achievement which has changed, benefited, and/or streamlined the work of the Club, enhanced its public image, and/or communicated its message.

Community Service Award

This award is given in recognition of a commitment to helping others through public service or community involvement in a non- Sierra Club cause.

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