Zero Waste Committee

  • Posted on 31 December 2009
  • By The Editor

Designer and El Camino College student Christalle Kishi designed this logo for the Angeles Chapter Zero Waste Committee.

WE RESOLVE to do EVERYTHING we can to work toward a Zero Waste future.

The Zero Waste Committee promotes the concept of Sustainability. We focus on the reduction of raw natural material use, the re-use of existing resources, and the widespread expansion of all recycling efforts. We also support a lifecycle, cradle-to-cradle approach to rethinking consumption and managing resources, with the ultimate goal of making landfills obsolete. The Zero Waste Committee is resolved to do everything we can to work toward achieving a Zero Waste future. Our New Year's resolutions and plans for 2010 include:

  • Assisting the City of Los Angeles Recycling Ambassador Program, primarily through educational outreach to the community. As part of this effort, we are resolved to speak with all 89 L.A. neighborhood councils to promote reduction in waste and educate communities about the proper way to recycle.
  • Working in support of legislative and other community efforts aimed at regulating or otherwise reducing the use of single-use plastic bags, plastic and Styrofoam take-out containers, plastic water bottles, and disposable drink cups.
  • Working toward greening farmers' markets and other shopping venues and activities by encouraging the use of reusable bags or baskets.
  • Advocating for Extended Producer Responsibility in the production, packaging, and recycling of manufactured goods.
  • Encouraging the greening of local governments, schools, meetings, events, businesses, and households through the adoption of Zero Waste policies and practices.
  • Advocating for increasing the number of recycling bins placed on public sidewalks and at bus stops, parks, businesses, office buildings, etc., ensuring that no trash bin is placed without being accompanied by clearly marked recycling bins.
  • Supporting efforts to ban junk mail.
  • Opposing the construction of new landfills, especially in pristine natural areas.
  • Surely one of the most common New Year's resolutions is to lose weight. We would like to encourage you to lose waste! So, in 2010, resolve to be a Waste Watcher!

Here are some simple things you can do: Bring reusable bags to the store. Avoid buying over-packaged products. Use a re-usable water bottle and coffee mug. Choose to purchase recyclables over non-recyclables, and choose products made with recycled content. Consume less, and reuse as many items as you can, as many times as possible, before finally recycling them. Dispose of all recyclables in the proper bin. Be sure to dispose of toxics like old electronics, batteries, oil, CFL light bulbs, and cleaning solvents properly. Donate unused or lightly used possessions rather than throwing them away. Buy used items at thrift stores and garage sales. Use both sides of paper, and go paperless when possible. Use rechargeable batteries. Remove your name from junk mail lists. Make Zero Waste lunches for work or school by using reusable containers and cutlery and cloth napkins. Reuse food jars and plastic tubs rather than buying new plastic or glass food containers for food storage. Use rags, washcloths, or sponges instead of paper towels. Find creative ways (art projects, gifts, etc.) to reuse and repurpose items that would otherwise end up in the trash. Add disposable to the list of dirty words you resolve not to use.

To find more ideas, including a Waste Watcher's self-audit, and to keep up to date on Zero Waste efforts, visit us at http://www.facebook.comZeroWasteSierraClubAngelesChapter. Please resolve to lose waste in 2010, and forever!

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