GIS Committee

  • Posted on 31 December 2009
  • By The Editor
WE RESOLVE to use technology to further the efforts of the Chapter.

Our Committee supports Angeles Chapter groups, task forces and committees with geographic information systems maps. The maps we produce range from Chapter groups maps, bicycle advocacy, invasive plant species in habitat areas, reforestation after fire map work, to wildlife corridor delineations, and more. Our resolutions are quite literally technical in nature, and include the following: We would like to continue to set standards and accessibility for our data library, so that we may create conservation maps quickly in response to group and task force requests. We also hope to develop interactive web-based maps to encourage increased engagement of Angeles Chapter members as supporters of Angeles Chapter initiatives and task forces. And the Committee seeks to increase the number of its affiliations with other nonprofit organizations in joint mapmaking efforts. An over-arching resolution is simply to use the power of ESRI's GIS conservation and environmental mapping software to display critical spatial analyses through our volunteer membership of capable GIS practitioners-some of whom are relatively new to GIS map work, and others with substantial experience.

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