Coyote Hills Task Force

  • Posted on 31 December 2009
  • By Diane Bonanno

Coyote Hills
Credit: Angeles Chapter Archives

WE RESOLVE to keep this space open to the public and closed to developers.

Sierra Club members can make a difference by participating in the effort to preserve Coyote Hills, located in California's second most densely populated region at the border of Los Angeles and Orange Counties in Fullerton. There are endless ways to register your support; just let us know how you wish to participate. Many have spoken at city council meetings, written letters to legislators and the newspapers, made a contribution, and attended important meetings and demonstrations. The Coyote Hills Task Force has resolved to preserve this rare treasure. The Task Force has raised funds to hire attorneys to respond to four EIRs, has located funding sources to purchase the land, and has gathered more than 6000 signatures of people who support saving Coyote Hills.

The coming year, 2010, will be pivotal for the Coyote Hills Task Force. The city will likely vote on a proposal to bulldoze the hills and place 760 units plus commercial structures in the middle of the site. We have been working for nearly nine years to save the remaining 510 acres of West Coyote Hills as a recreational park and preserve. This will mean that this rare Coastal Sage Scrub community will remain a functioning ecosystem with four very threatened habitats, thirteen California species of special concern and 200 resident threatened California gnatcatchers. More than 200 endemic and migrating birds alone have been recorded here.

Join a naturalist-led monthly hike and experience Coyote Hills. Check out our website at for dates and times.

By joining a Sierra Club Task Force you can contribute your special skills and effect change, meet like minded people and make a difference. And best of all you get to see the results first hand. There is much work to be done. Let us know how you wish to participate!

The Coyote Hills Task Force mission is to permanently protect the undeveloped lands of West Coyote Hills, Fullerton, California, as a preserve with access for recreation and education.

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