Angeles Chapter Retreat January 9

  • Posted on 31 December 2009
  • By The Editor

You're all invited to the Angeles Chapter's annual Retreat, January 9, 2010, at Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750 North Altadena Drive in Pasadena, CA 91107-1046.

This is a great opportunity for newcomers who'd like to get to know the Sierra Club better, as well as long-time activists, to be part of fundamental planning for the Angeles Chapter this year.

At last year's Retreat we brainstormed goals for the Chapter. We then formed the planning Committee to move them forward. This Retreat will first seek your feedback on refined goals and strategies, then focus on key topics of finance, communications, membership, and chapter organization.

We hope you can join us. See the chapter website for more.

Don't miss out on what promises to be a most important meeting for the future of the Angeles Chapter.

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