2009 Political Leadership Awards

  • Posted on 30 November 2009
  • By Susana Reyes

From left: L.A. PolComm Co-chair Howard Strauss, Speaker Karen Bass, L.A. PolComm Co-Chair Susana Reyes, and L.A. County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas

Photo Credit: Jane Simpson

On October 25, the 3rd annual Angeles Chapter Political Leadership Awards event took place at the IBEW/ NECA Electrical Training Institute in the City of Commerce. This year, the title of the event was Color Me Blue Green in recognition of the partnership between labor and the environment and outstanding achievements by legislators to create green jobs and push for renewable technology and a green economy. The Sierra Club is a founding member of the Blue Green Alliance, a national partnership of labor unions and environmental organizations dedicated to expanding the number and quality of jobs in the green economy. Its partners include USW, CWA, NRDC, LIUNA, SEIU, AFT and UWUA.ated

The political leadership awards were established to honor officeholders who have distinguished themselves during the past year by showing leadership on environmental issues and demonstrating a commitment to move forward the issues that the Sierra Club believes are important. The Club has made working with officeholders on good jobs, green jobs and renewable technology a priority. This event was a chance to honor those who have done so much.

The distinguished awardees this year included Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was heard to yell out, I love the Sierra Club just before receiving his award and who noted the dramatic increase in the use of renewable energy by the City of Los Angeles during his term; California Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, who spoke of the importance of green jobs for the economy of California; Assemblymember Mike Eng, who spoke of the continuing need for improvements in the environment of the San Gabriel Valley; Assemblymember Hector de la Torre, who spoke of the necessity of doing the right thing on environmental issues even when it not the most popular thing to do; Irvine City Councilmember Beth Krom, who spoke of the enlightened environmental policies in the city of Irvine and Costa Mesa City Councilmember Katrina Foley, who has championed a number of environmental measures on the Costa Mesa City Council. Also, receiving an award was United States Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, who appeared by video, thanked the Sierra Club and proclaimed that the future of our country depends on moving forward with green jobs.

Among the distinguished group of award presenters were Jonathan Parfey, Director of Green LA Institute; Alex Mintzer, Chair of the Orange County Political Committee; past awardee and current member of the Los Angeles City Council, Paul Koretz; Director of Sierra Club California, Bill Magavern; Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas and past awardee and current Congressperson, Judy Chu.


IBEW workers were instrumental in the success of the event.

Both awardees and presenters expressed sincere appreciation for the work Sierra Club does and the value they place on our endorsement.

The Political Committee would especially like to thank the IBEW/NECA, Jane Templin, ETI Outreach Director, and IBEW Local 11 leaders for helping make the event a success and for providing a wonderful facility.

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