Remembering Russ Black

  • Posted on 30 September 2009
  • By The Editor

Russ Black

Russ Black, a long-time leader and volunteer for the 20s &30s Section, recently passed away on Friday, September 11, a week before his 53rd birthday. Russ became an O-rated leader in 1991 and participated or led over 200 events in his career.

Known for his warm, outgoing personality and booming MC-voice, Russ dedicated his life to Sierra Club functions, and was known as an always-available volunteer for Newcomer hikes, which often surpassed 100+ participants...he also helped at monthly SC recruitment meetings, weekend fundraising parties and social events. He was responsible for recruiting countless new members to the Sierra Club, as well as being the official voice of Santa Monica College at football games and official diplomatic functions.

Russ befriended countless new members to the Sierra Club, and will be remembered as a bearer of good will to all who met him and regaled in his story-telling proclivity. A memorial service was held at Santa Monica College in his honor last Sunday afternoon...and the room overflowed with over 200 people, many of them past Banquet award honorees ...all showing their love for this unselfish volunteer contributor and friend who will be dearly missed.

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