OC Group to Celebrate International Day of Climate Action

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor

Orange County Global Warming Committee

October 24 marks the International Day of Climate Action observed in more than 1,000 locations around the world, including Orange County's own Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center. The Sierra Club is partnering with the Orange County Interfaith Coalition for the Environment, Earth Resource Foundation, and the United Nations Association-USA, Orange County Chapter. About 500 attendees are expected.

This event is part of a grassroots call to the world's leaders to take global climate change seriously and to reduce carbon in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million (ppm), the acceptable and safe level which scientists say will keep the world from suffering the worst ravages of global climate change. Current carbon readings are approximately 390 ppm and rising. The United Nations is working on a global climate treaty, slated for completion in December at Copenhagen, Denmark. The purpose of the OC event is to inform and mobilize the public to push for a reduction in atmospheric carbon to 350 ppm.

The International Day of Climate Action begins with Sierra Club-led hikes from Irvine Park, beginning at 7:30 AM. There will also be a 5K Walk/Run as well as various bicycle rides throughout OC, leading to the Outdoor Education Center. Other activities include tree planting, yoga, music, food, eco-friendly exhibits, and access to the zip line. All participants will be part of an aerial photo: everyone will arrange to spell out 350. Immediately afterward, we will upload the image to 350.org for transmission around the world. The keynote speaker will be Chris Prelitz, green building architect and author of Green Made Easy. Orange County houses of worship will be asked to ring their bells 350 times to call attention to the most important environmental issue of our time.

For more information, call the co-chairs of the OC Global Warming Committee, Chuck Buck (714-773-1190) and Paul Carlton (949-661-9505). Register on-line or obtain a printable form at www.ocice.org. Pre-Registration fee: $10. On-Site Registration: $15. This fee includes lunch and use of the zip line.

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