Call For Nominations For Chapter Awards

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor


Angeles Chapter Awards Chair

Do you know of a fellow Angeles Chapter member who volunteers tirelessly in service to the Club through conservation, outings, activism, or advocacy? With 50,000 members in a very diverse Chapter, we need to congratulate our individual and collective efforts. Now is your chance to recognize your hard-working peers who have given so much of their time and effort to the Sierra Club and the Chapter!

You don't need to be a long-time member to receive an Angeles Chapter award - we celebrate veterans, rookies and reruns (past awardees) with Chapter awards. Any Chapter member or entity management committee can nominate another member for an award, with a few exceptions: Current At-Large Angeles Chapter Executive Committee and Awards Committee members aren't eligible; nor are deceased Sierra Club members eligible posthumously. Preference goes to candidates that received little to no recent recognition. A list of the awards categories, past awardees, and the nomination form can be found on the Chapter Awards page

Additional awards information can be found on the Chapter's history pages.

How do I nominate another member for an award? Review the awards list and other information, then complete the downloadable form. Please return the form and any additional background information on your candidate by November 2, 2009 to Lori Ives at (email preferred), or by mail to Lori at 112 N. Harvard Ave, PMB 297, Claremont, CA 91711-4716. Background material on awardees will be included in the Awards Banquet program and in the Southern Sierran, so please include pertinent information on your awards candidate, along with which award your candidate is nominated for. Late applications will be held over for the next year's awards.

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