Outings leaders wanted

  • Posted on 28 February 2006
  • By Tina Bowman

Fun, camaraderie, and delight in natural places are only a few of the great aspects of participation in Angeles Chapter outings. Why not increase your enjoyment by becoming an Angeles Chapter outings leader yourself?

Sierra Club members become outings leaders for a variety of reasons. Some want to lead outings to specific areas in order to motivate participants to push for protection of special places. Others want to share their enjoyment of the natural world. Still others become outings leaders out of a desire to give back to the groups, sections, and committees that sponsor the outings they have enjoyed over the years.

The majority of Angeles Chapter outings are rated O. Becoming an O-level outings leader can be a short process involving just a few steps. You must be a current Sierra Club member who has participated in at least five Sierra Club outings. Then you attend a one-day Leadership Training Program seminar, which includes learning standard first aid and CPR. After that, you just have to lead a successful provisional outing, and you're certified!

The next seminar will be offered on April 1. The deadline to sign up for that session is March 18. For more details, see the Chapter schedule, visit the Leadership Training Committee's website or contact LTP registrar Steve Botan or LTP Chair Tina Bowman.

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