Haven't received your ballot?

  • Posted on 31 October 2005
  • By The Editor

2006 Angeles Chapter Elections

If you are a member in good standing (dues current) and have not received your Southern Sierran and the enclosed Chapter ballot by November 17, call the Angeles Chapter office (213-387-4287) and ask for one to be mailed to you. Be prepared to give your name, address and Sierra Club membership number (shown on mailing labels of Sierra Club publications you receive).

When you receive the ballot, follow the directions for marking and mailing. In lieu of the peel-off label from your Southern Sierran, print your name, address and membership number on the front of the ballot beside the dotted box that says, 'Place your Mailing Label from your Southern Sierran here.' The Nov. 22 deadline for postmarks will not be enforced this year because of reported delays in receiving ballots. Be sure to mail your ballot by Nov. 26 if possible, and no later than Nov. 28, for delivery in time to be counted on Dec. 1.

-Don Bremner, Angeles Chapter Elections Committee Chair

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