Sierra Club California Convention <p><span class=style8>

  • Posted on 31 July 2005
  • By Robin Ives

Delegates gather to elect new members, hear from Club Director Carl Pope

Sierra Club delegates from chapters in California and Nevada converged June 4-5 at the San Luis Obispo County El Chorro Nature Camp to network, meet their Sacramento lobby staff, and elect new officers for the coming year.

The California chapters have joined together to create Sierra Club California, which enables them to speak with one voice before the state government and legislature. The Sierra Club California Executive Committee supports, hires and directs a tiny but incredibly effective staff of four Sierra Club lobbyists in Sacramento who compete against many industry lobbyists to present the environmental voice in Sacramento. Bill Allayaud, Bill Magavern, Jim Metropulos, and Paul Mason have been influential in supporting good environmental legislation and defeating bad environmental legislation in the California Legislature.

Sierra Club environmental policy in California is determined by the California Conservation Committee, whose officers are elected when it meets in September. The California Legislative Committee (CLC) is a body of members who interpret existing Club policy as it affects the large array of bills in the legislature. Tara Mueller, the CLC chair, was at the convention along with most of the other CLC members to explain how the Club decides which bills to oppose or support.

Mary Grisco, the chair of the Council of Sierra Club Leaders, flew down from Alaska to give the Convention a spirited speech in defense of the powers within the Club of its grassroots membership.

Carl Pope, the Sierra Club's Executive Director and head of the Sierra Club's staff, also attended to speak about Club efforts to enlist the large portion of the electorate that supports Sierra Club's positions, even though it does not support the Sierra Club itself. Pope defended the Club's decision to sell Claire Tappan Lodge unless some way is found to reverse the drain it is causing on Club finances. Pope also had a spirited dialogue with convention delegates who were upset about the Club's recent decision to abolish the structure of regional conservation committees and the manner by which that decision was reached. The convention applauded Carl for coming before them and discussing these points of disagreement.

Sierra Club California holds an annual convention to elect the members of its Executive Committee. This year Alan Carlton (San Francisco Bay) was re-elected chair for another term of one year, and Allen Bartelman (San Gorgonia), Bonnie Sharpe (Angeles), Anne Schneider (Loma Prieta), and Eric Parfrey (Mother Lode) were elected for two year terms. They joined Judy Anderson (Angeles), Steve Bloom (San Francisco Bay), Richard Miller (San Diego), Michele Perrault (San Francisco Bay) and Andy Sawyer (Mother Lode) who still have another year to serve.

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