Come hike the Backbone Trail with us!

The completed 67-mile Backbone Trail is an iconic route in the Santa Monica Mountains.

Sierra Club leads hikes on the trail year-round. Here are some upcoming ones to try:

July 19: Corral Canyon to McAuley Peak, the high point named for Sierra Club leader and activist Milt McAuley who worked on the Backbone Trail decades ago.

July 26: Hondo Canyon to Fossil Ridge, about 8 miles on the Backbone Trail.

Aug 2: Hondo Canyon to Topanga Overlook, a strenuous 12 miles to gain views from the overlook.

Aug. 30, Latigo Canyon to Mesa Peak, a strenuous 14 miles in the heart of the Backbone Trail.

Aug. 30, "Little Tapia" to Upper Solstice, 11 miles with 1,800 feet of gain.

Sept. 6, Sandstone Sextet, a 10-mile loop to Sandstone, Tri Peaks, Exchange, Pop Top, Boney and Big Dome high points.

For more Backbone Trail hikes and outings, go to the online Schedule of Activities and filter by date or the words "Backbone Trail."

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