The limited research I have done on the Poseiden type lant could seriously be devastating to coastal habitats, especially vital plankton etc. The real problem is an energy problem. Subsurface intakes take way more energy, and even without, desal uses huge energy. To use fossil fuels for these, whether "co-located" with power plants or not, should be a non-starter, but I'm guessing Poseidon will insist that they must be allowed, especially if they use subsurface intakes. The Pseidon plant is and similar designs using Reverse Osmosis are extremely inefficient & will be outdated shortly, if any ingenuity whatsoever is prized more than s Ike-filled back door, good-old' boy deals. Lockheed (unfortunately) just patented a far less energy intensive filtration method than RO called "NANO-porous graphene," which is an ultra-thin layer of graphene who's mesh happens to be smaller than the molecules it is filtering, but let's the others pass perfectly. I'm not all that comfortable with a huge company that parents such an important technology that could help solve both our energy and water problems, if the company chooses to shelve that technology just to keep it off the market for now. Other technologies such as "zero liquid discharge" and solar desalination plants can help make environmentally and habitat damaging technologies like RO Obsolete, and I have no doubt that bad actors will choose to try to keep such technologies off the market specifically for that reason. Have a spine, why don't we for gods sake, it's for the entire future of the planet.
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