What have you done for Planet Earth lately?

  • Posted on 31 March 2005
  • By The Editor
Sun bread, anyone?

What I do for planet Earth is to cook my major foods in my solar oven and the solar cookers I purchased from Solar Cookers International (www.solarcooking.org): beans, whole wheat bread, and certain vegetables. I use my microwave to cook a bit of broccoli and sometimes tortillas, and that's pretty much it. It has become a serious game for me to minimize as much as possible the energy input for cooking. (I often eat foods cold.) You can see pictures of my operation on the solar cooking page of my website: www.williamgbecker.com.

- Bill Becker

Let us know what you've done for Planet Earth lately. Send messages to sierran-at-ix.netcom.com or Editor, 3250 Wilshire Blvd. #1106, L.A., 90010.

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