Background Article Title: 
100% Renewable Energy For Calabasas
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Background Article Date: 
February 3, 2021
Background Article Take Action Suggestions: 

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Take Action 2:
Background Article Description: 
The Council discussed the dramatic rate increases imposed by Southern California Edison (SCE) this year for electricity.  As of February 1st, Calabasas residents experienced a 10% rate hike, with a similar increase anticipated for June.  Joining the Council for the discussion were representatives from SCE and the Clean Power Alliance (CPA).  As mentioned in one of my earlier letters, the Council voted (4-1) in January to automatically enroll all Calabasas consumers into the 100% clean energy program.  While this move will promote good environmental stewardship, it will also cause electric bills to rise an estimated additional 10% (unless residents affirmatively opt out of the 100% tier).  So, within one year you can expect to see your electric bills increase by roughly 30-35%.  Though SCE contends that it needs the additional revenue to deal with its own rising costs, one cannot escape the nagging thought that these jumps might just be directly related to the substantial losses SCE suffered from recent civil litigation arising out of the many wildfires that occurred in 2018-19.  If such be the case, it seems counter-intuitive that SCE would be allowed to pass along added costs stemming from its own poor judgment to those who were victimized by that poor judgment.  Do you get a refund from SCE when it has a highly profitable year?