Take Metrolink and Change the World! CANCELLED

  • Posted on 9 March 2020
  • By Louise Fleming


Fossil fuel emissions from automobiles are among the largest contributors to air pollution in Los Angeles and to climate change. Metrolink removes approximately 9.3 million weekday automobile trips per year, and

130,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions per year.

Among the ways we can cut our personal CO2 contribution are to use our local trains and buses for commuting. And on Earth Day Aprill 22nd,  #TaketheTrain and ride for FREE!

The Sierra Club is committed to promoting sustainable transportation and land use solutions by working together with our Metrolink partners through the Angeles Chapter's Transportation and Conservation Committees and Sierra Club's National Clean Transportation for All campaign.. To celebrate the upcoming 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Metrolink is putting out a call to climate action by issuing a challenge to leave your car behind and take a train, FOR FREE, on Earth Day, April 22, any time and from any place. 

NOTE; MARCH 19TH LAUNCH DATE POSPOSED. STAY POSTED FOR EVENT RESCHEDULE.  Metrolink will launch its Earth Day #TakeTheTrain challenge at metrolinktrains.com/earthdayon March 19, by issuing this challenge and reinforcing the idea that Just One Ride Can Change Your Whole World – by reinforcing how taking the train can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and advance a healthier Southern California. People can sign up for the challenge, be able to record a video message, share their pledge on social media, explore environmentally friendly ideas and tips, sign up for Earth Month events and calculate their personal environemtnal impact.  

Join the #TakeTheTrain campaign and challenge yourself on Earth Day and every day, to ride Metrolink and help change the world!

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