Wallraff, Dorsey and Helm endorsed for Sierra Club national Board of Directors

  • Posted on 10 March 2014
  • By From Chapter reports

The Angeles Chapter recommends a vote for Dean Wallraff, Michael Dorsey and Jessica Helm in the upcoming election for the Sierra Club’s Board of Directors. Only Chapters may endorse/recommend candidates.

All Sierra Club members eligible to vote -- life members and members who have renewed at least once -- should have received their election materials to vote for members of the Board of Directors (or for those who have signed up for electronic notification, they should have received their notification from the election vendor).

To give everyone a head start in the process, the Ballot Pamphlet contains voting instructions and candidate statements. It is not, however, intended for actually casting your vote. To cast your vote, ballots have been mailed either electronically or by postal mail the week of March 3 to all eligible voters. If you believe you are eligible to vote and do not receive a ballot please contact membership.services@sierraclub.org.

Click here to access the voter pamphlet with candidate names, statements and voting information.

Ballots must be received back by April 16.

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