Happy Birthday Angeles Chapter

  • Posted on 30 September 2011
  • By Sandra Cattell

For a century, we have been hiking the hills and enjoying our natural environment. But the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter encompasses much more. We have endorsed ideas that protect the planet and the politicians who promote them. We are advocates for state and national parks, protecting rivers, oceans and the water we drink, as well as clean air to breathe. We are promoters of recycling, responsible transportation systems, and renewable energy that goes beyond coal and oil. We save open space and endangered species. One hundred years of comraderie with like-minded individuals,. whether we are tabling at Earth Day, traveling the planet, or repairing trails in the Sierras. Our issues range from local and personal to wide ranging national and global.

So, after the parties, and special centennial events, what do you get a chapter for its birthday? Two things come to mind. First, a donation to the Angeles Chapter to continue all the above, and more, to thrive and grow, and to be able to educate and enlighten both our members and non-members of the need to protect our environment for posterity. Second, invite a friend (or friends) to join. Share the experience as we begin our next century of exploring, enjoying and protecting our home, planet earth.

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